Dolce Fine Giornata

Dolce Fine Giornata

(Słodki koniec dnia)

Maria Linde (Krystyna Janda) is a respected Polish poet and Nobel Prize winner, who lives an idyllic life with her husband Antonio (Antonio Catania) and a daughter Anna (Kasia Smutniak) in a warm Tuscany until she meets a young Egyptian immigrant, the owner of a nearby beach bar. After a terrorist attack in Rome, Maria, shares her controversial and politically incorrect views on the erosion of democracy, freedom and humanity.
From that day on, she will experience a startling chain of consequences for her lover, her family, the local community and herself.

Director: Jacek Borcuch

Screenplay: Jacek Borcuch, Szczepan Twardoch

Cinematography: Michał Dymek

Music: Daniel Bloom

Film Editor: Przemysław Chruścielewsk

Principal Cast: Krystyna Janda, Lorenzo De Moor, Kasia Smutniak, Vincent Riotta, Antonio Catania

Runtime: 92min minutes

Release Year: 2019

Genre: Drama

Guest Appearances

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Dolce Fine Giornata

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Dolce Fine Giornata
