(Piano )
Tragic events that took place in Ukraine at the beginning of 2014 were the background to the story of a special piano, the musical instrument that was supposed to strengthen the barricades of the protesters at Majdan Square. The instrument – saved by a conservatory student – became an active participant and a symbol of the revolution. The piano connected the faiths of the main characters of the documentary. Each of them was faced with a different choice, yearning to take the right place in the dramatic conflict. Soon the instrument united the people protesting at the square who, regardless of snow and freezing cold, day and night, sang folk songs and the national anthem of Ukraine. Regular Ukrainians tried improve their lives by seizing control over their own country.
Director: Vita Maria Drygas
Screenplay: Vita Maria Drygas
Cinematography: Vita Maria Drygas
Music: Antuanetta Mishchenko
Film Editor: Tomasz Ciesielski
Runtime: 41 minutes minutes
Release Year: 2015
Genre: Documentary